Anushka Sharma unveiled the poster of her next upcoming film Pari. The actress looked haunted in the first look of the film. Apart from her the film also features Parambrata Chatterjee. Pari also marks the Bollywood debut of Prosit Roy as a director and will be produced under the banners of Clean Slate Films owned by Anushka Sharma and her brother Karnesh Sharma. She earlier produced films like NH10 and Phillauri. We all know who is Anushka Sharma, but talking about her co-star Parambrata Chatterjee let us tell you that this is not the first time Parambrata is woking for any Hindi film.
Parambata earlier worked with Vidya Balan in the successful film Kahaani. Parambrata also acted in Bhalo Theko (2003), which is said to be Vidya Balan’s debut film. Seven months after the success of Kahaani Parambrata was signed by Jeffrey D. Brown, who won an Academy Award for his debut short film in 1986, for his film Sold. The second directorial venture of Parambata was Hawa Bodol.
Born in Kolkata, West Bengal, Parambrata is the son of Satinath Chatterjee and Sunetra Ghatak. Apart from acting in films like Shubhodrishti and Nishijapon, he made his directorial debut with feature film Jiyo Kaka. The film featured Rituparna Sengupta and Rudranil Ghosh in the lead.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma’s first look from PARI is OUT and it will haunt you for a while. [See Photo]
So after impressing the audience with his powerful acting in Vidya Balan starrer Kahaani, it will be interesting to watch him once again in his upcoming Pari opposite Anushka Sharma. Though his role from the movie has not been revealed but going by his previous roles in the film, it won’t be wrong to say that he won’t let his audience disappointed.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma brings the Moroccan vibe in her latest cover shoot [See photos]
Reportedly, the shooting of the film will take place in Kolkatta and Mumbai. Pari is slated to release in early 2018.
Awards and Nominations:
Parambrata Chatterjee won the most promising actor award in 2006. He was also nominated for Zee Cine Awards for best actor in a supporting role for his role in Kahaani in 2013. Apart from nominations, Parambrata received Rituparno Ghosh Memorial Award for Howa Bodol.
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