Known for being a perfectionist, Amir Khan just broke his own rule of not appearing on reality shows by appearing on a comedy reality show recently. Amir Khan who turned 52 appeared on a popular Marathi show Chala Hava Yeu Dya on his birthday along with his wife Kiran Rao.
No, he did not appear on the show to promote a movie. Amir Khan appeared on the show to let people know about a not-for-profit company, “Paani Foundation” set up by his wife and himself. Wondering what does the organisation does? The organisation works towards creating a drought-free Maharashtra.
While speaking on the show, Amir admitted that it was the first time he was appearing on a reality show but for a good cause. He further said that it was important for people to be aware about the initiative that we have taken and we aim to reach every household while starting a discussion about the issue. He further affirmed that it was important that people should take the role of water conservation seriously.
While Kiran Rao made an simple yet elegant Saree, Amir Khan was seen sporting a traditional delectable headgear. Amir also apparently got candid and even went on to sing Apsara Aali on the show.
As per the website of Paani foundation aims to involve as many commoners as possible, “We believe that it is the people themselves who have the greatest power and capacity to solve the problem of water. If people are convinced and motivated, they will find the land, the money, the know-how, the labour and whatever else is required to harvest and manage their water. This approach offers the real possibility of a mammoth and rapid scale-up of the effort to solve the water crisis,” the website says.
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