Wading straight into the Gurmehar Kaur controversy, filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has said that these days social media is being used for polarisation in the country. In a Facebook post, which he wrote today, Anurag Kashyap wrote about the recent incidents in the country. He said by using such incidents few people wish to get results in the elections.
A video by Delhi University student Gurmehar Kaur drew different opinions. In the video, Gurmehar said her father was a martyr in Kargil War and that not Pakistan but the war killed him. This old video of Gurmehar surfaced when she took a stand against the alleged violence that ABVP members retorted to recently at the Ramjas College. She had held a placard which read, “I am a student from Delhi University. I am not afraid of ABVP. I am not alone. Every student of India is with me”
The video garnered different reactions and outspoken Anurag Kashyap wrote on Facebook:
“Isn’t it so obvious… Picking on a silent video from two years ago, the ‘Padmavati’ incident, the Ramjas incident, Tarek Fateh incident, all else that’s going wild on Twitter and Facebook is being used to create polarisation, so that the elections have a desired result by those in control. Social media is being used to do that and we are all participating in it and perpetuating it. That’s why I have been away for sometime and have come back to put this thought out there so one thinks about it… They are also using our reactions and provoking us because it helps their cause… And we are giving it to them.”
Also read: Gautam Gambhir backs Gurmehar Kaur, slams those who mocked her including Virender Sehwag
Bollywood celebrities like Vidya Balan, Javed Akhtar, Pooja Bhatt, Shirish Kunder, Vishal Dadlani and Shruti Seth expressed their opinion on the matter and said everyone has a right to exercise freedom of speech.
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