Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s Phantom Films got embroiled in a controversy after one of the co-founders Vikas Bahl was accused of molestation. Vikas Bahl, allegedly molested a woman in Goa. Diving into this ongoing controversy, Anurag Kashyap’s former mentor Ram Gopal Varma took potshots at him from his Twitter handle. In his initial days, Anurag worked with RGV and was also the scriptwriter for Satya.
However, after a fallout with RGV, Anurag went on to establish his own organisation called Phantom Films along with Vikramaditya Motwane, Madhu Mantena and Vikas Bahl. Reports have it that after the molestation charges have been levelled on Vikas Bahl, the company is heading towards a split.
Not being the one to not have an opinion on matters, RGV put out cryptic tweets in which he played with the names of Anurag’s firm and his own ‘Company’. One of RGV’s tweet read, “A PHANTOM is meant to disappear by its very nature whereas a COMPANY will exist forever”, while the other one read, “The truth of a Ghost like PHANTOM is it can never be a COMPANY becos it just flies and doesn’t care a fuck about the ground”.
RGV referred to Phantom has an illusion and someone having malicious intents. Here are RGV’s tweets:
A FACTORY is not like a PHANTOM to was growing to be a COMPANY
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 7, 2017
A FACTORY is not like a PHANTOM to was growing to be a COMPANY
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 7, 2017
The truth of a Ghost like PHANTOM is it can never be a COMPANY becos it just flies and doesn’t care a fuck about the ground
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 7, 2017
A QUEEN is created by a various PHANTOMous number of people but a COMPANY is created by just one single KING
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 7, 2017
I swear on Steven Spielberg that I am not trying to be a SHANDAR of my COMPANY becos I have no ANURAG for PHANTOMous relationships
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 7, 2017
PHANTOM is a multiple face of illusion, with a non TRUTHful and malicious intent : COMPANY is the reality of error and the PHANTOM of LIES
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) April 7, 2017
Also read: 52,000 members of a powerful film union to boycott RGV for sexist tweet against Sunny Leone
Landing into headlines from his Twitter timeline is not something which is new to RGV’s stature. On Women’s Day, he sparked a new controversy when he wrote that all women should keep men happy like Sunny Leone. Post this a FIR was lodged against the director for insulting women. He had rendered an apology back then but had said would not bow down to bullies. RGV controversy spelled trouble for his upcoming film Sarkaar 3 as well since a crowd vandalised the sets.
Now, we will have to see how Anurag Kashyap replies to these tweets of RGV.
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