The makers of Anushka Sharma’s Phillauri have come up with a new and unique way to introduce the characters of the film. While the first and second chapters of Phillauri introduced us to Shashi-The Ghost and her lover, played by Diljit Dosanjh. The third chapter of the film released on Monday, which belongs to none other than Shashi’s groom Kanan, played by Suraj Sharma.
The video starts with a dialogue in which a pandit tells Kanan that he is a Manglik and will have to marry a tree. Upon listening to this he starts laughing and says, ‘You can’t be serious‘, while everybody else stares at him with a blank face. And then Anushka starts narrating the story of Shashi’s groom Kanan.
While not much is known about this character, Anushka revealed that Kanan is a self-acclaimed musician who has come all the way from Canada to get married. She further revealed that Kanan’s family thought they are getting him married to a tree. But it was later revealed that he got married to Shashi.
And while Kanan is scared of Shashi, he is unable to make his fiancee and family understand the situation. Phillauri will take you on a fun ride where Kanan is having a ‘Vikram Betaal’ scene with Shashi, while his family thinks that he has gone mad.
Phillauri iis Anushka Sharma’s second production venture after NH10 and this is for the first time that she will play the character of a ghost on-screen. The film is an unfinished love story and brings two lifetimes together. In fact, this is also for the first time that Anushka and Diljit will be seen together in a film and their chemistry is being really liked by the audience.
The movie is scheduled to release on March 24 this year.
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