Tagged as Bollywood’s King of Romance, Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for the release of his next Jab Harry Met Sejal. Ever since the trailer of the film has been released, it has become the talk of the town. The film narrates the love story of a tourist guide Harinder Singh Nehra essayed by SRK and a Gujarati girl Sejal played by Anushka Sharma. Apart from its plot, the film is making headlines for the duo sizzling on-screen chemistry. Both the actor is on a promotion spree for their upcoming film. Needless to say, SRK has a huge fan following, courtesy his charm and personality. Present at the song launch of Hawayein along with Anushka Sharma, he once again grabbed everyone’s attention as SRK gave a perfect reply to his Jab Harry Met Sejal co-star and that too in his most romantic way.
At the event, when Anushka was asked about how was it romancing Shah Rukh on-screen, she said: “Extremely easy! There is a genuineness in his eyes that we all can see – that reflects on-screen. In my opinion, he even can romance a microphone.”
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan reveals what Suhana forces him to do and why he can’t say no to her
However, it was Shah Rukh who stole the limelight, as he took no time in responding to Anushka’s comment and replied: “As long as you are holding the mic, darling!”
Further on being asked, if he is also romantic as a husband, SRK said: “I think I am a good companion…I am shy to talk about it, what can I say? I think I am good, as a husband.”
Directed by Imtiaz Ali, Jab Harry met Sejal is releasing on August 4.
Meanwhile, do watch the song here:
Source: IANS
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