After opening to mostly negative reviews, Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma’s latest offering, Jab Harry Met Sejal has performed below expectations at the Box Office. With SRK’s portrayal of a romantic and Anushka Sharma’s conservative Gujarati girl character, the Indian audience, though excited to look forward to the release, have not really warmed up to the Imtiaz Ali directorial.
After Imtiaz opening up on JHMS, claiming the film to not be ‘his masterpiece’, seems like Anushka, too, has come forward to make an important point. In a recent statement issued to a news agency, the actress has said that she felt she could not relate to the bubbly character of Sejal Zhaveri in the film. In fact, she also asserted that it might be the case because she herself has evolved with time and doesn’t feel inclined towards extrovert characters anymore. Her statement reads:
“I remember there was a time in my life when I did a lot of these extrovert kinds of roles. But there was this phase when I got really… Maybe because I was changing as a person, I realised I could not relate to these things anymore.”
She elaborated on the same and said that even though Shah Rukh and Imtiaz always imagine her essaying Sejal, she had to work hard to get into the skin of the character. She said:
Imtiaz and Shah Rukh have also said that Sejal, according to them, is similar to me but a lot of times we associate a screen image that an actor has to his or her own personality. How we diversify these roles is very simple – the girl is either bubbly or she is serious. But this extrovert persona carries a lot of other personalities. I think Sejal and I are quite dissimilar.
Does this mean Anushka regrets being part of Jab Harry Met Sejal?
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