Apurva Asrani has taken a dig at Kangana Ranaut amid the ongoing controversy. Of late, the actress has been making many explosive statements about her alleged relationship with Hrithik Roshan and the trauma she faced. The actress has been quite vocal in her opinion and said the case of Roshans is full of lies. While Hrithik has chosen to maintain a stoic silence on the matter, Apurva has now jumped into the debate. A few months ago, Apurva accused Kangana of plagiarism and said she took writer credits in the movie Simran when she did not write anything.
Now Apurva has said that he is tired of pseudo- feminism. The writer of the movie Shahid said that as a gay man, he faced patriarchy. He asked why people supporting the actress did not research properly and do their investigation. Though Apurva did not name Kangana in the entire Facebook post, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he was talking about her.
Here is what he wrote on his Facebook profile:
Turns out Apurva is not the only one who has slammed Kangana. Only yesterday, singer Sona Mahapatra lashed out at the actress for using her fight to promote her upcoming movie. A part of Sona’s long letter read:
Dear Kangana, I have always cheered loudly, in private & in public for you. Long, long before you turned queen et all but your current run across the airwaves regurgitating personal details of your love life over & over again, washing dirty linen in public & more so as part of a professional PR campaign before your film release is in bad taste. No two ways about it. Also, it does a big dis-service to the cause of feminism & fair play. Wish you well & wish you would rise above this muck & make your point through actions & your work. Your success doesn’t need this tabloid trail.
Also read: After Hrithik Roshan, Aditya Pancholi to take legal action against Kangana Ranaut
This only brings us to one question- how will Kangana react to this?
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