AR Rahman recently watched Baahubali 2. The film is having an unstoppable run at the Box Office, both in India and worldwide, and is roaring high on its success with each passing day. Now, when the Oscar award winning composer watched this SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus, he couldn’t resist praising it. He took to Facebook to congratulate the team of the film and wrote a special message.
What was more important is how he acknowledged Baahubali 2‘s performance in putting the South Indian cinema on a global map. On his Facebook wall, Rahman first wrote: “To Rajamouli, Keeravani and the whole team of ‘Baahubali 2′. Just finished watching it in Chennai. I hope it crosses Rs 2000 crore and above at the box-office. You guys have opened the floodgates for south Indian cinema to the world and given it a new identity.”
The film, which doesn’t seem to stop its terrific Box Office run, has so far minted over Rs 1500 cr worldwide. In North America alone, the film has crossed the Rs 100 cr mark and has raked in over Rs 128.11 cr so far. Here’s the breakdown:
USA: Rs 122. 78 crore
Canada: Rs 5. 17 crore
Total: Rs 128. 11 crore
Baahubali, a story of revenge between two brothers, is enjoying such tremendous love because of its universal content and grandeur. Featuring Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty, Sathyaraj and Ramya Krishnan in the pivotal release, the movie was released in India on April 28.
Also read: Baahubali 2 is amazing but dear SS Rajamouli you owe us an explanation for this scene
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