Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently busy shooting for director Aanand L Rai’s next film, is in talks with Sanjay Leela Bhansali for a film. Bhansali discussed two scripts with the actor, one of them being a period film and other being an intense love story. However, the duo is yet to zero in on the film they would like to collaborate on.
While interacting with a leading daily, Shah Rukh Khan talked about doing a film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali:
“With Sanjay, I would definitely like to work. In the last few months, we have been discussing a lot of projects. But there are date issues, his starting issue so inshallah, we will do something. There are two scripts that he’s offered me. One is a period film and the other isn’t. I don’t know which one we’re doing, right now. But these are the only two I have spoken to him about.”
Also read: Salim Khan explains why an offbeat film with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan or Ranbir Kapoor won’t work
The superstar also said that he would love to work with Kangana Ranaut in the Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial, however, wasn’t too sure if the casting had happened already.
“Yes, there is a discussion of that film too. I don’t know if that film has been cast. I don’t want to speak out of turn. It is a period setting, but I don’t really sit down and ask, who the other cast members are. It would be wonderful if she (Kangana) is there, but we haven’t honed on it yet. We have chatted about it, talked about it and we still haven’t sat down and said we’re starting this one. So, that is also very interesting, very nice.”
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Shah Rukh Khan is expected to take up the Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial after he is done shooting for Aanand L Rai’s film. After wrapping up the shoot for Padmavati, Bhansali will start working on his next script.
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