Arijit Singh is visibly upset over increasing incidents of crimes against women. Recently, he took to Twitter and wrote a heartfelt post to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and urged him to take extreme steps in this direction. “@narendramodi sir, how can we prevent at least rape n murder if not inhuman brutality? Please can you do something? A helpless request.Please,” the playback singer posted on the micro-blogging site.
But the 30-year-old singer’s anger against rapes did not end here. Adding further, he posted,”Devastated.. I lose every time I hear a news like that. India loses each n every time a brutal accident like this takes place..”
“I would not shake if I have to kill one of those bastards being present in the situation,” Arijit wrote.
Arijit’s comments can be attributed to the horrific May 29 Gurugram rape case in which a woman was allegedly gangraped in an autorickshaw and her nine-month-old daughter killed while she was on her way to her parent’s house. Her daughter was snatched from the victim by the accused and thrown on the road.
Also read: Woman who carried 9 month old baby in metro after her gangrape narrates ordeal
Take a look at Arijit’s tweets that went viral.
@narendramodi sir, how can we prevent at least rape n murder if not inhuman brutality?Please can you do something? A helpless request.Please
— arijit singh (@raiisonai) June 7, 2017
And this one too.
Devastated.. I lose every time I hear a news like that. India loses each n every time a brutal accident like this takes place..
— arijit singh (@raiisonai) June 7, 2017
And this tweet as well.
I would not shake if I have to kill one of those bastards being present in the situation.
— arijit singh (@raiisonai) June 7, 2017
His tweet evoked a positive response as several of his fans applauded him for taking a strong stand on the issue.
Being a star ur thinking is a priceless. All star people should learn from u . Headshot is needed for this crime.
— Abhijit (@amineirintu) June 7, 2017
First Pple shuld learn to respect our country… Leaving in 1 country n harming 1 to our pple is bad
— arijit singh fan (@raiisonaifan) June 7, 2017
Also read: Fatima Sana Shaikh gets slut shamed for sharing swimsuit photo on Instagram during Ramadan
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