Actor Arjun Kapoor, who is all geared up for the release of his upcoming film Half Girlfriend, says that he finds it difficult to maintain a balance between his professional and personal life. The 31-year-old actor says any girl who ends up in a relationship with him should understand the fact that his life and time is not entirely his.
“I have always prioritised my work. It is not easy to give priority to work and be in a steady relationship. In my life I have given more time for making my work base stronger and hence could not give time to relationships. But at a right time, someone will come,” Arjun said in an interview.
“One part of my life belongs to audience and another to my work. My life is divided. Also, after being in a relationship with me, that girl also has to face the limelight — whether she likes it or not. She should appreciate my profession and understand that this is something which she can’t getaway from or I can’t go away from,” he added.
“The love and support I have received in past years is something I never anticipated. Be it from media or the audience — everyone has accepted me whole-heartedly and loved my work in films, television and stage shows,” he said.
The 2 States actor says he has got the opportunity to share screen space with some talented co-actors, filmmakers and production houses during his journey in Bollywood so far. “I only wish that my journey continues because I love being an actor and I love what I do and I don’t know anything apart from acting. So, if I don’t do acting, I will be stuck,” he added.
Helmed by Mohit Suri, Half Girlfriend stars Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor and is inspired by author Chetan Bhagat’s book of the same name.
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