Before becoming one of Bollywood’s most sought-after actors, Sidharth Malhotra was an assistant director at Dharma Productions. With no Godfather, Sidharth, with his fierce, unbending dedication, made his mark in the industry. But, like all stories, the ride was not all that hunky dory. Recalling his struggling days, Sidharth revealed how people at auditions treated him badly and if he ever had to face a casting couch situation.
Before trying his hands to become an AD, Sidharth gave many auditions for television soaps. But that wasn’t a pleasant experience for him. Talking about it, Sidharth revealed,
That time, to survive, I had to give a lot of TV auditions. And it isn’t the most heartening sign when you have 150 people, all dressed up similarly, standing in a line for auditions. Then someone would come and ask me to say something random like, ‘Naam bolo,’ in a weird way. It was like a bloody jail where you have to say your name, number and act out something.
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But more than the atmosphere at the venue of the audition, it was the way people behaved that put Sidharth off. He said,
At auditions, they make you feel terribly small and unimportant. It makes you feel that aapke jaise sau log aur hai. That’s why I digressed and became an assistant director. It was a very negative environment. It didn’t help me grow and kept me in the same loop.
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The Ittefaq actor, however, denied facing a casting couch situation. He also added that because he had a great sense of self-respect, he was termed arrogant by many. He said,
No, never! It wasn’t casting couch. It was just people treating aspiring actors badly, which was upsetting. Most people were not civil, and were unnecessarily rude.
After various unpleasant TV auditions, Sidharth decided to try his hand at assistant direction and the rest, as he says, is history.
(Source: DNA)
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