After getting clearance from the Censor Board, Ajay Devgn-starrer Baadshaho has landed in a legal trouble. Baadshaho has faced a set back over the remixed version of Keh Doon Tumhe — titled Socha Hai, featuring Emraan Hashmi and Esha Gupta. As it turns out, the makers of Baadshaho can’t use the song, which was originally a part of a 1975 release, Deewar, and have been forced to drop it. A division bench of the Mumbai High Court on August 28, stated that Baadshaho’s team have to drop the song after a plea was filed by Rajiv Rai.
According to the reports published by a leading daily, a judgment was passed by the division bench of the Mumbai High Court, in which Rajiv won the case against Bhushan Kumar’s music company Super Cassettes Industries.
Rai’s Trimurti Films owns the copyright to the lyrics and music of Keh Doon Tumhe since 1974, when it entered into a contract with lyricist Sudhir Ludhianvi and composer RD Burman. On January 2, 1974, the company entered into an agreement with Polydor (now Universal Music India), granting the latter the right to make and sell gramophone records of songs from Deewar, as well as the mechanical reproduction rights for this limited purpose.
Also read: Interview: Ajay Devgn talks about Baadshaho, distribution circuit, ticket rates, and more
Sharing his mind on remix right of the song, Rajiv said “When you make a song, you sometimes give the remix rights to the music company. But, in this case, we had not given the rights to Polydor. So when T-Series took the remix rights from Universal, the company told them categorically that if Trimurti Films sues them, they will have to fight it out. It’s not just a fight for me, but for all producers in Bollywood.”
“Not many producers bother confronting a music company. Earlier, many of my songs like Oye Oye from Tridev, 1989 and Tu Cheez Badi Hai Mast Mast from Mohra, 1994 were recreated. The concerned people said that I have given them permission. But, truth is, nobody ever sought my permission, nor did I ever make a penny out of it,” he further added.
Bhushan Kumar, the MD and chairman, T-Series, says, “We’ve always bought recreation rights from the respective music companies. This is the first time that the rights were fractured. We have dropped the song from the movie and pulled it down from all networks.”
Check out the original song Keh Doon Tumhe here:
Source– Mid Day
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