Tiger Shroff will be seen in the sequel of his 2016 movie Baaghi. The new movie is called Baaghi 2 and will release on 27 April 2018. The movie will be directed by Ahmed Khan and is co-produced by Fox Star Studios and Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. The first poster of the movie was released a short while ago and Tiger was seen donning a rugged look.
The poster featured the back shot of Tiger Shroff definitely deserves attention. The actor can be seen flaunting his chiseled body standing on a destroyed area. Tiger also had a rifle in one hand. It will be interesting to see what story the makers come up with this time. The new poster has the tagline: Rebel For Love; hinting that this time it will be a love story as well.
Baaghi that released in 2016 featured Shraddha Kapoor opposite Tiger Shroff. The movie went on to become a hit though it didn’t appeal much to the critics. Sabbir Khan had directed Baaghi and it told the story of a rebellious man and his love for Sia. Circumstances separated the two but later Ronny (Tiger) learned that Sia (Shraddha) has been abducted by a martial arts champion Raghav. How both of them fought the antagonist to get back with each other formed the crux of the story. In the movie, Shraddha and Tiger were seen indulging in hardcore action scenes. They went through immense training to get into the skin of the characters.
Made on a budget of Rs 350 million, Baaghi grossed more than Rs 100 crore in the domestic market.
Given the immense success that Baaghi received, expectations would obviously be high from the second installment as well. The female lead of this movie is yet to be finalized and it will be worth seeing who Tiger romances this time. Apart from Baaghi 2, Tiger also has Student Of The Year 2 in his kitty. Till we are able to gather more information about the movie, here is the first poster of Baaghi 2:
And here’s the first look poster of #Baaghi2… Stars Tiger Shroff… 27 April 2018 release. pic.twitter.com/px75bgqAVn
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 2, 2017
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