Anushka Shetty, who essays the role of Devasena in Baahubali series, heaped praises on film director SS Rajamouli. “It is rare that the actors get to play a character that transforms from a young person to an old lady,” Shetty said. “I feel Rajamouli has given me a whole arc of a woman’s life… from being a young girl to a woman, a mother… it’s beautiful,” Anushka said.
Asked about why Kattappa killed Baahubali, Anushka said it would be unfair to let out the answer to the million-dollar question before the movie releases on Friday. “It would be unfair only to let out the why… the way the story has been scripted, the screenplay and how it’s been shot has such lovely moments. The emotions and all are so much deeper. Even those of us who have worked on it are looking forward to watching the magic on screen,” she told CNN-News 18.
In the film, she essays a dual role — wife to Prabhas’s character and his mother. Anushka says initially such roles do feel awkward but “it becomes easier when you have a director like Rajamouli, who is so clear about what he wants and he guides you through it”. Besides Anushka and Prabhas, the magnum oppus features Rana Daggubati, Tamannah Bhatia, Sathyaraj and Ramya Krishnan. The prequel to the film was a commercially successful one, leading to enormous excitement for the second instalment.
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