Filmmaker S.S. Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali 2: The Conclusion has upped the bar at the box office for Indian films by collecting Rs 247 crore in just seven days of its release. According to trade expert, the film has now become the blockbusters ever with the collection of Rs 534 crore in India including all four languages Tamil, Telgu, Malayalam and Hindi. The second part in the Baahubali franchise — a fantasy drama about a fictional kingdom has created a new benchmark leaving films like PK, Sultan Sand another behind.
Sharing the exact figures on his social media platform, trade expert Taran Adarsh wrote: Baahubali 2 Fri Rs 41 crore, Sat 40.50 crore, Sun 46.50 crore, Mon 40.25 crore, Tue 30crore, Wed 26 crore, Thu 22.75 crore. Total: ₹ 247crore India biz. HINDI.
The film crossed Rs 100 crore mark on its first day of hitting screens in India. Now, S S Rajamouli’s much-talked movie is all set to enter Rs 300 Crore mark. And, now the Prabhas starrer to be the first regional cinema to reach the Rs 300 Crore mark. Baahubali 2: The Conclusion breaks all the previous one-week collections of Aamir Khan’s Dangal and Salman Khan’s Sultan. Confirming the same, Taran Adarsh tweeted:
After WEEK 1…
#Dangal ₹ 197.54 crore [7 days]
#Sultan ₹ 229.16 crore [9 days; Wed release]
#Baahubali2 ₹ 247 crore [7 days]
Recently, Baahubali 2: The Conclusion has successfully surpassed Dangal at the US box-office with earnings over $12.6 million so far.
Also Read: Here’s how SS Rajamouli reacted when a filmmaker pointed out 5 big mistakes in Baahubali 2
With the release of the second part of the film, it has finally put a full stop to the question ‘Why did Kattappa kill Baahubali?’. Directed by S.S Rajamouli, the film is about two warring cousins and their battle for the ownership of an ancient kingdom. It features Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty, Tamannaah Bhatia, Ramya Krishnan, and Sathyaraj in pivotal roles.
Also Read: You won’t believe how many marriage proposals Prabhas got after Baahubali
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