Badrinath Ki Dulhania had a great run on its weekend at the box office. The film starring Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan collected a net profit of 43.05 crores over the weekend. The film earned a whopping 12 crores on its opening day on Friday and the earnings climbed over the weekend.
Even after accounting for Varun and Alia’s magnetic appeal, it comes as a surprise that Badrinath Ki Dulhania had the third biggest opening this year after Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees (59.48 crore) and Akshay Kumar’s Jolly LLB 2 (47.59 crore). BKD even managed to surpass films like Kaabil (30.65 crore) and Rangoon (14.43 crore), which were expected to be much bigger hits at the Box Office.
On its opening day, the film collected Rs 12,25,00,000 and witnessed an 18% rise in profit on Saturday. On Sunday, Badrinath Ki Dulhania further saw a 10% rise in profits on Sunday, collecting 16.05 crores.
Friday – 12,25,00,000
Saturday – 14,75,00,000
Sunday – 16,05,00,000
Net Profit – 43,05,00,000 (approx)
#BadrinathKiDulhania has a ROCKING weekend… Jumps past Rs 40 cr mark… Day-wise growth says it all… Data in next tweet…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 13, 2017
#BadrinathKiDulhania Fri 12.25 cr, Sat 14.75 cr, Sun 16.05 cr. Total: Rs 43.05 cr. India biz. EXCELLENT!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 13, 2017
Even overseas, the film was a success, especially for Varun Dhawan. BKD is Varun’s first movie to have crossed the $2 million mark and is set to climb up to $2.50 million. The worldwide net profit will approximately round up to 75 crore, higher than Varun’s ABCD 2, which landed a 72 crore collection worldwide.
1. Badrinath Ki Dulhania – $2.50 million apprx
2. Dishoom – $1.97 million
3. ABCD 2 – $1.45 million
4. Badlapur – $1.05 million
5. Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania – $1.04 million
As compared to the first film in the series, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania, which was released in 2014, BKD performed exceedingly well. While Humpty Sharma collected a net profit of 32.97 crore, Badrinath Ki Dulhania performed 25% better at the Box Office. However, whether the film retains its momentum over the coming week remains to be seen.
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