Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra are currently at the zenith of their careers. Both shared screen space in 2015 blockbuster Bajirao Mastani and also graced popular talk show Koffee With Karan in its previous season. With the ever changing equations in the tinsel town, we cannot say whether they are friends or not. Anyways, both will be making their respective Hollywood debuts in days to come.
Firstly, Priyanka Chopra has not set a foot wrong ever since stepping into American shores a year ago. A leading role as an FBI agent in TV series Quantico, featuring on cover page of TIME magazine and shattering stereotypes about India before presenters Chelsea Handlers on American TV. Now, she will set the mercury soaring next summer as a devilish Victoria in Baywatch. Recently, the trailer of the film was released and it was all over social media. But wait! The National Award-winning actor had a blink-and-you-miss appearance in the teaser. Can you believe it? See it yourself.
The trailer might have generated a lot of buzz and blah..blah on social media, but PeeCee’s fans were not at all amused. How could the blokes met out such a treatment to their star? The incessant trolling was brought to film’s male lead Dwayne Johnson’s notice and he sought to ease tempers.
I luv India back! (U already know I luv U;). It’s aaaallll in the big picture plan. #Wait4VictoriaLeeds #Boss #Baywatch MEMORIAL DAY.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) December 8, 2016
Even Priyanka too consoled her fans, suggesting they would not have to wait longer to have a glimpse of their favourite actor.
You see them as the ‘Lifeguard Squad’,I see them as prey!Enjoy the sun while u can coz this beach is mine.So step aside& #Wait4VictoriaLeeds
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) December 8, 2016
So, now the question is: Wasn’t Priyanka aware of the fact that the trailer would have her in the frame for less than a second? Also, why didn’t she raise her objection to her minuscule presence in the trailer when it is no secret that the former Miss World is a big star overseas?
Contrary to this, you can see Deepika occupying major screen space in the trailer of her upcoming movie XXX: Return of Xander Cage. The dimpled lass is seen as a gun-toting Serena Unger in the action flick, sharing screen space with Vin Diesel and Samuel Jackson. As far as trailers go by, we see the Piku actor everywhere.
Watched it? Now, it is understood that Deepika outshone Priyanka this time, you can say due to sheer smartness or being firm in her stand.
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