Director Alankrita Shrivastava’s movie Lipstick Under My Burkha has been denied certification by India’s censor board. But interestingly the film has managed to make it to the Golden Globe Awards. The announcement was made by the director of Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA), Christina Marouda.
According to reports, before the screening of the film at IFFLA, Christina announced that they are really honored that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has chosen the film Lipstick Under My Burkha for the opening night screening at IFFLA.
Christina further added,”The director of the film will now have the opportunity to properly plan a Golden Globes campaign should she choose to submit the film for the nomination. Our goal in working closely with Hollywood Foreign Press Association is to ensure that the Golden Globes are on the radar of filmmakers in India and that they become more and more aware of this platform and can begin to formulate their strategy”.
Also Read: Lipstick Under My Burkha controversy: Here’s Pahlaj Nihalani’s side of the story
The movie revolves around four women a burqa-clad college girl, a young beautician, a mother of three and a 55-year-old widow, who rediscover their sexuality. According to the censor board, the film is laced with sexual scenes and abusive words.
Filmmaker Prakash Jha, who is producing the film also expressed his views on the same and said that it is a character driven and a universal film, so he hopes that the film will get the certification. He also said that he is glad that the Hollywood Foreign Press association chose Lipstick Under My Burkha for the opening night.
The film features talented actors like Konkona Sen Sharma, Ratna Pathak, and Aahana Kumra.
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