Starring Ayushmann Khurrana, Kriti Sanon and Rajkummar Rao, Bareilly Ki Barfi has finally hit the theaters. Directed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, Bareilly Ki Barfi is a quirky love triangle between Bitti, Chirag and Pritam played respectively by Kriti, Ayushmann Khurrana and Rajkummar Rao. The film narrates the sweet love story of a small town girl played by Kriti, who is on a quest to find the author of a book she loves. The film hit the silver screen today, August 18, and is getting a good response both from the critics as well as Bollywood celebrities. The movie goers who watched the first-day first show of the film took to twitter and posted their comments.
The movie goers who watched the first-day first show of the film took to twitter and posted their comments. They have praised for the film and the performances by the lead stars. The audience also loved the small town ambiance in the film, as they found it to be very relatable. Calling the movie entertaining, they also praised Rajkummar Rao’s performance.
One of the twitter users wrote: “Kriti Sanon, Ayushman Khurana and Pankaj Tripathi are all good, Rajkummar Rao is stand-out terrific.”
Another Twitter user wrote: “Bareilly Ki Barfi – Nice performances from all the star cast.”
Going by the positive buzz on social media, it seems Bareilly Ki Barfi has struck the right chord with the audience, as they didn’t hold back in praising Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari’s second Bollywood outing. In 2016, she made her directorial debut with Nil Battey Sannata featuring Swara Bhaskar. The film narrated the story of a mother’s wish to educate her daughter and does so by enrolling herself in school. Nil Battey Sannata garnered critical acclaim and Iyer was praised for her direction and for sensitively handling the subject matter.
Check out what the audiences have to say after watching the films:
#BareillyKiBarfi 1st half review: funny, entertaining…enjoying watching @ayushmannk@DMmovies
— Usha Shrivas (@UshaShrivas) August 18, 2017
Lovely, doused in small-town first half…#BareillyKiBarfi
— Snehith Kumbla (@skwriterpoet) August 18, 2017
Kriti Sanon, Ayushman Khurana and Pankaj Tripathi are all good, Rajkummar Rao is stand-out terrific …#BareillyKiBarfi first half
— Snehith Kumbla (@skwriterpoet) August 18, 2017
#BareillyKiBarfi is a funny, charming film with lines you’ll be quoting long after. Big up to dialogue writers Shreyas Jain & Nitish Tiwari.
— Agent Orange (@sumit_roy_) August 18, 2017
Watchn #BareillyKiBarfi. Super entertaining @ayushmannk rocking as always @kritisanon breakn d stereotype @RajkummarRao the show
— Pulkit Sudan (@Pulkit_polo) August 18, 2017
Also Read: The Bareilly Ki Barfi team explains why desi stories from small towns work for the audience
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