After receiving a lukewarm response on its opening day, Vidya Balan’s Begum Jaan has managed to earn a decent amount on day 3 of its release. Directed by Srijit Mukherji, the film hit the screens on April 14. Begum Jaan opened at the Box-Office with a collection of Rs 3.94 crore on Friday but saw a drastic fall in figures on Saturday with a collection of Rs 3.51 crore. However, on day 3 of its release, the film has seen an increase in figures with a collection of Rs 4.03 crore on Sunday. And now on its first Monday, Begum Jaan saw a fall in its numbers and only earned Rs 1.87 crore. Overall the film has collected Rs 13.35 crore so far.
The film is an adaptation of Bengali film Rajkahini. While the original film saw Rituparna Sengupta essaying the lead role, the Hindi adaptation saw Vidya Balan in the role of a Brothel owner. The film also stars Gauahar Khan and Pallavi Sharda among others. However, the film has failed to leave a mark at the B0x Office, Vidya’s fierce avatar in the film proved that she can pull off any kind of roles with ease.
Also Read: Begum Jaan Box Office collection day 3: Vidya Balan starrer earns Rs 11.48 crore
Begum Jaan has been produced by Mahesh and Mukesh Bhatt under the banner of Vishesh Films.
On the professional front, Vidya is busy prepping up for Tumhari Sulu. In the film, she will be seen essaying the role of an RJ and actor Manav Kaul will play the role of Vidya’s on-screen husband. Director by Suresh Triveni, Tumhari Sulu is scheduled to release on December 1. Co-produced by T-Series, the film is a lovely heart-warming story and will see Vidya in a totally different avatar.
Also Read: Begum Jaan audience review: Vidya Balan has delivered a brave performance
#BegumJaan Fri 3.94 cr, Sat 3.51 cr, Sun 4.03 cr, Mon 1.87 cr. Total: ₹ 13.35 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 18, 2017
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