Actor Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for the release of Raees, featuring Mahira Khan opposite him. His next is with Imtiaz Ali which features Anushka Sharma opposite him. And now the news has it that SRK might also be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next after Padmavati — a biopic on poet and lyricist Sahir Ludhianvi.
It’s been a while that the speculations regarding the cast of this Bhansali film were on. In fact, actor Irrfan Khan was rumoured to be playing the character of the legendary poet in the film, whereas Deepika was touted to be donning the role of Amrita Pritam, Sahir’s love interest.
SRK, who is on a promotional spree for Raees these days, was asked about the film recently. He mentioned that he had read the script of the film and liked it too. However, there’s no confirmation on the same as he is yet to meet Bhansali and discuss the subject first. He also revealed that when he had gone through the story of the film, it wasn’t a Bhansali film then. He explained:
It was in Red Chilles (before), then Bhansali took it over. Jasneet is the writer. I really liked the story but we have not confirmed it. Sanjay (Leela Bhansali) is supposed to meet me now. I think I’ll meet him after Raees, if he is free from Padmavati. He has a couple of stories and one of them is Sahir Ludhianvi. I heard it two years ago when it wasn’t with Sanjay.
Bhansali is currently busy with the production of Padmavati, his next magnum opus after Bajirao Mastani, which has Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh in the lead. While the story of the biopic on Sahir Ludhianvi is finalised, SRK as the protagonist in this one will be an intriguing watch.
Why Shah Rukh Khan is a perfect choice for Sahir Ludhianvi biopic
Shah Rukh Khan is now a name beyond romance. The change in his script sense can be seen in the kinds of films he has been associated with of late. Fan, Dear Zindagi, the Imtiaz Ali film and the dwarf film with Anand L Rai — all of his upcoming projects seem interesting and promise a rich content. A film on Sahir Ludhianvi would require a man who has a good sense of language and culture. The actor would also require to seep-in the quality of articulation a poet has. And considering the master of words SRK is, he would serve as a better choice for the character as compared to any other actor we have in the industry today. Shah Rukh is always full of experiences about life and makes sure to present his stories in the most creative way possible while he is speaking. He also has a strong command of Urdu, and therefore, the homework in that sense becomes a little less. Also, the kind of maturity and intelligence the role of Sahir Ludhianvi demands, SRK has it all.
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