The high octane reality show Bigg Boss 10 is in its final week and the competition is getting tougher by the day. The ones who are left in the house are Bani J, Lopanudra Raut, Rohan Mehra, Manveer Gujjar and Manu Punjabi. Out of these five, Rohan and Bani have been nominated for eviction and one of them will leave the house mid-week. But reports have it that former Bigg Boss contestant Nitibha Kaul will enter the house.
If you are thinking it is because the makers decided to bring a wild card entry so close to the finale, you are mistaken. Nitibha will come back to the house as a part of a fair. Apparently, to lighten the tense mood in the house, the makers would arrange a sort of fair in the house. Nitibha will be joined by Bigg Boss 9 contestant Mandana Karimi too.
On seeing Nitibha, her close friends in the house Manveer and Manu will jump with joy.
It is definitely nice of the makers to bring a change in the house, especially after every small disagreement is turning into a heated argument these days.
In the final week of the reality show, the inmates have been assigned a task called Bigg Boss Dhaba. They have been divided into two groups- Bani J and Manu forming one, and Rohan and Lopa the other. Manveer has been appointed as the sanchalak of the task. As the name suggests, the inmates will be judged on their cooking and presentation skills.
Only time will tell who wins the task.
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