After Bigg Boss 11 makers revealed the four commoners – Haryana’s entertainer, Sapna Chaudhary, Haseena Parkar’s son-in-law, Zubair Khan, Jyoti Kumari, peon’s daughter and self-styled god woman Shivani Durgah, the excitement to know the complete celebrity guest list has trebled. Though the makers just shared a glimpse of the participants through the video, while researching, we managed to dig out some interesting details about one of the four final participants Sapna Chaudhary.
To begin with, Sapna Chaudhary is quite a known face back in Haryana. She is best known for her Haryanvi Ragini song. Reportedly, Sapna also landed into a legal mess for this song as it was said to have hurt the sentiments of a particular group of people. Some of her dance videos also went viral on the social media platform.
Looking at her dance videos, some people called her an item girl, to which Sapna while introducing herself as one of the commoners, said:
If I am vulgar then every Bollywood actor who does an item number is vulgar too.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 11: Haseena Parkar’s son-in-law to a peon’s daughter, meet the first four commoners
Check out the video here:
Meet the first four neighbours who’ve come from various parts of India in an attempt to win your hearts. Are you excited to meet them? #BB11
— COLORS (@ColorsTV) September 27, 2017
Interesting details:
Sapna Chaudhary, a middle-class girl is a huge fan of Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone. She has two siblings, a brother and a sister. Besides, Solid Body, some of her popular songs includes Gora Gora, Bahu Zamidar Ki and Rate Vade Ge among others.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 11: Is Salman Khan charging a whopping Rs 11 crore per episode?
Did you know?
1: Born on December 25, 1990, Sapna Chaudhary lost her father at the age of just 12 years. and she took up dancing as a career to support her family.
2: Apart from Haryana, Sapna is also famous in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Punjab for her dance.
3: It is also being said that she attempted suicide as she was reportedly depressed.
4: She rose to fame with her very first song titled Solid Body.
So now, are you excited to see her in the Bigg Boss house?
Also Read: Bigg Boss 11: Salman Khan has a strict advice for contestants this season
Meanwhile, do check out some of Sapna’s dance videos here:
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