A Gentleman had a poor opening weekend as the film raked in approximately Rs 13 crore in it three days run at the Box Office. The Sidharth Malhotra – Jacqueline Fernandez film failed to show any sort of growth over the weekend and has faced outright rejection from the audience. The biz was not only impacted in North India due to the Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s arrest but also had a dismal run at the Box Office across the country.
The film was expected to collect in the Rs 50 crore range to break-even for the producers, Fox Star Studios, however, given the trend in its opening weekend, the film would struggle to even reach the Rs 25 crore mark. Apart from the producers, even the satellite channels will entail losses as owing to the poor run at the Box Office, the film would struggle to find sponsors for the world television premiere.
Day Wise Collections:
Babumoshai Bandookbaaz is another film that has flopped at the Box Office. While the producers have gone all out to manipulate the Box Office figures, the actual collections of the film are in the range of Rs 4 to 4.5 crore. The Nawazuddin Siddiqui film was expected to collect around Rs 12 to 13 crore to break even, however, the same seems unlikely now.
Bareily Ki Barfi continued its good run at the Box Office and has raked in 24.50 crores at the Box Office. The film was made on a controlled budget and has proved to be a profitable venture for all associated. The Kriti Sanon – Ayushmann Khurrana – Rajkummar Rao film got a positive response from audience and critics alike and the same translated in Box Office returns. Bareily Ki Barfi is looking to end its run at collections above Rs 30 crore, which is quite a good result given the star-cast and costs involved.
After an impressive opening week, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha has slowed down at the Box Office and the film is now looking to end its run at collections little above Rs 130 crore. The movie might just about go past Rowdy Rathore (Rs 133 crore) to emerge Akshay Kumar’s biggest grosser till date. Having said that, the film has emerged to be a super-hit as all associated have entailed reasonable profits.
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