Sanjay Dutt’s comeback film, Bhoomi has flopped at the Box Office in India as the film raked in less than Rs 8 crore in its three days run. After the poor start, the film failed to show any sort of growth during the opening weekend and the same has now sealed the fate of the film. The critic reviews apart, even the audience word of mouth is on the negative side and there was no interest at all for the film even at the mass centres.
Day wise collection of Bhoomi:
Shraddha Kapoor’s Haseena Parkar too has failed to work at the Box Office as the film collected around Rs 6 crore in its opening weekend. The audience’s word of mouth is on the negative side and the film is expected to end its run at the ticket window at collections below Rs 10 crore. Haseena Parkar is the fourth consecutive flop for the actress, and so her next release becomes very crucial for her future in this industry.
Day wise collection of Haseena Parkar:
Newton arrived as an underdog but emerged the winner among the three films at the Box Office as the film raked in Rs 7 crore in its three days run at the Box Office. Given the costs, the opening weekend has set the platform for the film to record a healthy trend at the Box Office and emerge a success. The Oscar representation added to the hype in the cities, which, along with positive reviews and good word of mouth, resulted in a positive trend. The budget of the film isn’t on the higher side, and the film would be a profitable venture for all associated even at collections as low as Rs 15 crore.
Day wise collection of Newton:
While Bhoomi and Haseena Parkar have joined the list of huge flops of 2017, the trend in collections on weekdays would decide the fate of Newton.
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