Salman Khan’s latest outing at the Box Office may not have been a flop but as per the standards of the star, it is nowhere close. Tubelight raked profits before its release by selling its satellite and music rights. By doing so, the producers ensured no hole was burnt in their pockets, but the one who faced the brunt of all these are the distributors. Reports have it distributors and exhibitors are in a bad place after tickets of Tubelight did not sell like hot cakes, unlike previous Eid releases of Salman Khan. By the completion of the first work, Tubelight made Rs 106.86 crore at the domestic Box Office.
According to reports, distributors have lost a money after Tubelight released. According to trade analyst Komal Nahta, single screen owners in parts of Uttar Pradesh have lost a lot of money. In fact, all the money these distributors earned from Baahubali 2 and Dangal, they lost in Tubelight. Komal Nahta tweeted, “Some have come to Bombay to plead with Salman to refund them money. Salman should rise to the occasion. For all those asking, Salman is not bound by contract to refund money to Tubelight distributors. But if he does, it wud be a great gesture.”
“With the kind of standards you set for a Salman Khan film, it has been unfortunate that Tubelight has not lived up to all the hype and expectations that we all had from it. It is also extremely unfortunate that many people in the trade have lost money,” Akshaye Rathi told a daily. He also said that the debacle of Tubelight is a lesson for makers who thought a movie’s success is dependent on a star. He cited the example of Baahubali to explain that two unknown Southern stars could give India one of the biggest films ever.
Also read: Tubelight is a Shah Rukh Khan film not Salman Khan’s, according to a theatre in Brussels
But, Tubelight which was said could beat Baahubali, did not come close to it. Here is breakdown to help you understand better why Tubelight did not bring good news for distributors.
The total cost of Tubelight = Rs 100 crore
Cost of production: Rs 85 crore
Print and Publicity: Rs 15 crore
Recovery before release
India Rights: Rs 138 crore
Overseas Rights: Rs 50 crore
Sattelite Rights: Rs 60 crore
Music Rights: Rs 20 crore
Digital Rights: Rs 10 crore
Ancillary sources: Rs 10 crore
Money earned = Rs 288 crore
Also read: Eid success or not, Salman Khan’s Tubelight is a hit. Haters can back off
Deducting the cost, (Rs 288 crore- 100 crore), the money which producers Salman Khan Films got comes to Rs 188 crore.
The distributors bought the film’s rights for Rs 138 crore. It is being suggested the lifetime collections of the movie would be around Rs 130 crore. The distributor share comes to around Rs 65-68 crore. So the total loss faced by the Indian distributor is Rs 70 crore.
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