The trailer of Hollywood movie ‘The Black Prince’ based on the last king of the Sikh Empire was unveiled at the 70th Cannes film festival on May 20. Maharaja Duleep Singh, also known as the ‘Black Prince’ in the Sikh history, was the last heir of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the only son of Maharani Jindan. Along with Shabana Azmi, the movie stars Satinder Sartaaj.
When he was merely 10 months old, Duleep’s father, Sher-E-Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh, left for his heavenly abode. The movie, in English, Hindi and Punjabi, will hit the theaters on July 21.
Shruti Haasan starrer tri-lingual film ‘Sanghamitra’ too got unveiled. The first look poster of Shruti Haasan, Jayam Ravi and Arya starrer upcoming trilingual historic drama “Sanghamitra” was launched here on May 18 at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival.
The poster features Shruti Haasan riding a horse with a sword in her hand. In preparation for her role, Shruti has been training in sword fighting in London over the last few weeks.
To be directed by Sundar C., the film will feature Shruti in the role of a fierce warrior.
“I was so glad to have this opportunity to learn a new physical art form. After having martial arts as part of my life early on, sword fighting was a whole new experience which was physically and mentally engaging and exhilarating,” Shruti had said in a statement.
Tipped to be made in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi on a budget of Rs 150 crore, “Sanghamitra” will be based in the 8th century AD.
The project will be bankrolled by Sri Thenandal Studios and it will have music by double Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman. Rahman is currently with the team of “Sanghamitra” at the festival, marking his Cannes debut.
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