Pahlaj Nihalani led Central Board of Film Certification has made it to the headlines once again and this time the movie which has come at the line of fire is Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma starrer Jab Harry Met Sejal. Reportedly the censor board has issues with the word ‘intercourse’ used in one of the mini trails of the movie and is said to take strict action against director Imtiaz Ali and the makers. One of the mini trails featured Anushka Sharma making Shah Rukh Khan sign an indemnity bond just in case intercourse happened between them.
Apparently, Pahlaj Nihalani had problems with this word and he asked the makers to delete it. Speaking to a leading daily, Nihalani said, “We have granted a U/A to the trailer on the condition of deletion of the dialogue about the intercourse. But they have not come back to us with the deletion. So in principle, the trailer has not been passed yet.”
The clip is being aired on television and many news channels too aired it. Speaking about it, Nihalani said the board will take strictest actions against the news channel which aired the uncensored content. “They [the news channels] have downloaded the uncut trailer on YouTube. We cannot stop content on the internet,” he added.
As soon as the news surfaced, Twitter users reacted to it. The diktat of CBFC have faced ire in the past and this time as well, many Twitter users could not understand it. Here are few reactions to it:
Censor Board now wants the word ‘intercourse’ removed from the promos of #HarrySeekingSejal. This is sanskaari maxed out.
— Sangita Nambiar (@Sanginamby) June 21, 2017
Bird kisses bee & Pahlaj Nihalani is born. No wonder he can’t wrap his head around the concept of intercourse #JabHarryMetSejal #censorboard
— Sreeparnaa Chaudhury (@blowfish_07) June 21, 2017
Or may be #CensorBoard should launch their own dictionary with words which can be used only in a #bollywood movie. 2/3 @thewire_in
— Weakest LINK (@rachitsharma0) June 21, 2017
As our #CensorBoard have a problem with the word ‘Intercourse’ .Let’s help & provide them some better words.*Sambhog ? #JabHarryMetSejal
— Saniya Sayed (@Ssaniya25) June 22, 2017
And here is the mini trail which irked CBFC:
Jab Harry Met Sejal is the love story of a Punjabi man Harry and Gujarati girl Sejal. Primarily shot in part of Europe, Shah Rukh Khan plays the role of a tour guide in this movie. The mini trails of the movie have been winning the Internet and yesterday the first song of the movie was released. Radha, the song, was released by Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Imtiaz Ali in Ahmedabad in presence of many girls named Sejal.
Jab Harry Met Sejal will release on August 4.
(Source: The Quint)
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