Varun Dhawan, who turned a year older on Monday received lots of birthday wishes from his fans and followers. His family members and friends from the industry also extended their wishes to the Badlapur star. Varun, son of filmmaker David Dhawan made his big Bollywood debut in 2012 with Karan Johar’s directorial Student of the Year. In his over five years long acting career, Varun has never given a flop at the Box Office. He is best known for his roles in films like Dilwale, Badrinath Ki Dulhania, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania and ABCD 2 among others.
Celebrities including Yami Gautam, Rajpal Yadav, Karan Johar, Huma Qureshi and Remo D’souza among others on Monday wished a happy birthday to the actor and asked him to stay crazy, the way he is always.
Varun also made sure to give a ‘double treat’ to his fans by posting a picture on his Twitter page. Basically, he posted a photo with dad Dhawan posing both as Raja and Prem, the characters from his upcoming film — Judwaa 2.
The actor who was last seen in Badrinath Ki Dulhania opposite Alia Bhatt is currently busy shooting for Judwaa 2 in London. The film is a remake of Salman Khan’s super hit film Judwaa released in 1997, but with a twist. While the original film saw Salman Khan, Karisma Kapoor and Rambha in lead roles, the upcoming romantic drama will see Varun Dhawan, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Taapsee Pannu. Judwaa 2 is being directed by David Dhawan and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan brings Prem and Raja back in one frame on his birthday
Check out the celebrity tweets and pictures shared on social media to wish him birthday here:
Happy happy birthday, @Varun_dvn!! Stay crazy!!!
— Jacqueline Fernandez (@Asli_Jacqueline) April 23, 2017
The the most talented and my fav, @Varun_dvn HAPPY BIRTHDAY stay blessed. #hitmachine#superstar
— Remo D’souza (@remodsouza) April 23, 2017
Have a great birthday VD! Wish the best for you! @Varun_dvn
— Yami Gautam (@yamigautam) April 24, 2017
A very happy birthday to @Varun_dvn . Double the birthday fun with @Judwaa_02 this year! Have a great one!#VarunDhawan
— Rajpal Yadav (@rajpalofficial) April 24, 2017
Happy birthday @Varun_dvn …. big love to you and bless you always!!! Have a super year….
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) April 23, 2017
Also Read: Happy Birthday Varun Dhawan: From dancing prowess to kickass action, he is Bollywood’s hit machine
Here’s how Varun Dhawan celebrated his Birthday:
Bonkers paradise with disco bosco #Unchihanbuilding #judwaa2
A post shared by Varun Dhawan (@varundvn) on
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