Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone stole our hearts when they shared the screen space in 2013 hit Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani. The Ayan Mukerji directorial was a love story that revolved around an ambitious 20-something Bunny who accidentally meets his old schoolmate Naina during a trip. What follows is a candid tale of friendship, priceless moments and love. What created a lot of buzz about the film was the fact that it was the first time after a break-up that Ranbir and Deepika shared the screen space. His chemistry with his on-screen ladylove was much admired by the fans and critics. Several youths started to relate themselves with Bunny whom they thought a perfect ‘role model’ for them. But is Bunny really worth admiring? I don’t think so.
Kabir aka Bunny is an ambitious youth who wants to race ahead in life. According to him, life is not confined to finding a job at 22, getting married at 25, becoming parents at 30 and then wait for death after retirement at 60. He wants to live an adventurous life, race ahead amid risks of falling down. Okay, there’s nothing wrong is that. But he is selfish, indifferent to everyone including his parents. He takes everyone for granted, especially Naina who falls in love with him during the trip. But our Bunny is too lost in his ambitious dreams of travelling, discovering the world and blah, blah.
He does not reciprocate. However, eight years later he meets Naina at a cocktail party for Aditi (Kalki)’s wedding and is swept off his feet after seeing Naina in a different look. The nerdy and shy medical student is now a glamorous babe, but our Napolean is still confused. He is still unable to figure out whether he is actually in love with the girl who he thinks gulps down beer only with him.
Also read: Ranbir Kapoor partied with his exes Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif at Karan Johar’s birthday bash
It takes him more years to realise that Naina was actually the one whom he actually loves and it’s the end. The point is simple. He simply does not deserve a girl like Naina who continued to love him right from the trip till the end while silently bearing his chest-thumping claims of being successful. In reality no girl is going to wait for so long just because the guy she loves is glorifies and glamorises the confusions in his life. Being ambitious is not wrong as long as you are not indifferent towards the feelings of your near and dear ones.
But our ‘hero’ Bunny’s apathy is not limited towards Naina alone. He is indifferent to everyone his parents and friends. While at home, he does not care about his father’ s emotions towards him. Even he openly insults his ‘stepmom’ before his father, only to reconcile later just because he does not have any other options. His father passes away while he is abroad but does not have time to be present at his funeral for reasons unknown.
Because our Bunny aka Kabir is quite a busy man. Aditi is shocked when he arrives at her wedding because apparently he is occupied with his work. He changes cities at the drop of his hat. He nurtures a superiority complex that does not go down well with his friend Avi (Avi) who is not successful in his business ventures. Before the sangeet, Bunny insults him by calling him an alcoholic after Avi rebukes him for being too busy to care for his friend. Since the plot required Bunny to gain a moral ground at the end of the film, he apologises to everyone over a glass of wine and of course ‘roohafza’.
In this competitive world, it is okay to be ambitious. After all, we should have a goal in our lives. But what’s the use of the success when you don’t have anyone by your side to share your happiness. Bunny was self-centered and although he settled down with Naina at the end of this money-spinning film, we have doubts whether their relationship might have lasted long. Because the kind of person he has turned out to be, he might leave poor Naina in a lurch, phirse. So why make him a hero?
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