After getting a considerably lesser number of screens in India, Gauri Shinde’s Dear Zindagi has managed to impress the audience in the country. The Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt starrer recorded a steady weekend at the Box Office despite a lot of contrary factors. The film was released on 1200 screens in India, which is a low from the standards of any SRK starrer. And with a subject which is not particularly enticing to the masses, Dear Zindagi‘s first-weekend collection tells a surprising story.
Also read: Dear Zindagi Movie Review
The film has collected a total of Rs 32. 50 crore at the Box Office. The collections per day in the weekend also recorded a steady growth:
- Friday: Rs 8. 75 crore
- Saturday: Rs 11. 25 crore
- Sunday: Rs 12. 50 crore
Dear Zindagi, a film about loving life, has witnessed a tremendous word of mouth publicity. With most people talking positive about the film, the collections are expected to rise this week. The overseas collection of the film has also packed a good punch. The film has collected a total of Rs 27. 45 crore in its opening weekend. Tweeting about the same, trade analyst Taran Adarsh posted:
#DearZindagi – OVERSEAS – Opening Weekend: $ 4 million [₹ 27.45 cr]… Best in USA-Canada and UAE-GCC… SUPER!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 28, 2016
What has worked in the favour of the film?
The content of Dear Zindagi has been appreciated widely. With its universal appeal, the Gauri Shinde directorial touched the right chord among the audience. While a few mentioned issues with its slow pace, the subtility, and the positive attitude that it tried to preach remain the most connecting part. Also, with Force 2 and Rock On 2 being the victims of demonetisation at the Box Office, Dear Zindagi seems to be bringing back the audience to the screens. This, in lieu, is a good sign for filmmakers as audience appears to be giving the response that a rich content-based film like Dear Zindagi deserves to be at the Box Office.
Also read: Dear Zindagi critics review: Shah Rukh Khan, Alia Bhatt are magic on-screen
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