Deepika Padukone has been making the headline for her next big project Padmavati. But it seems there will be a lot more coming from her side when she features opposite Irrfan Khan in a period gangster drama on silver screen. The film will be helmed by debutant director Honey Trehan and produced by Vishal Bharadwaj, featuring both the actors in lead roles. The period gangster drama will release on October 2, 2018. This will be the second time when Deepika and Irrfan will be sharing the screen space. Earlier, both of them were seen in Piku.
According to the reports published by a leading daily, confirming about the flick Trehan said, “It’s been written by Vishal sir, and is also being produced by him. I am directing it, and it stars Deepika Padukone and Irrfan Khan. Hopefully, we’ll start shooting in January next year.”
The film is based on Femme Fatale, a part of S Hussain Zaidi’s novel titled, Mafia Queens of Mumbai, which narrates the revengeful tale of Rahima Khan aka Sapna Didi, who had decided to kill the underworld don, Dawood Ibrahim. The story revolves around Rahima who decides to take revenge for her husband’s death caused by Dawood. Only, the underworld don found out about her plan and killed her before she could execute her plan.
Also read: Haseena Parkar trailer: Shraddha Kapoor cuts an impressive picture of Dawood Ibrahim’s ‘Aapa’
Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim has been a subject of interest over the years in Bollywood. Many films have been made on events related to him and his life. Soon we will be having another film releasing related with him titled Haseen Parker, starring Shraddha Kapoor, who essays the role of Haseena, the late sister of Dawood.
Also read: Photo: Shraddha Kapoor reveals a younger look of Haseena
Source–Indian Express
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