The issue of pay disparity between male and female actors has been haunting Bollywood for a long time. On many occasions, a few actresses have raised their voice for being paid less than their male counterparts despite having an equal screen time. But it looks likes the norms have begun to change in the film industry. If reports are to be believed, Deepika Padukone has managed to get another feather to her cap.
According to the reports, a source said, for the first time in Indian Cinema, an actress would be paid more than her male co-stars of the film they star in. Deepika Padukone has managed to bridge the wage gap with Padmavati.
The source further added, “There are a lot of speculations about the pay structure of Padmavati. However, Sanjay Sir was clear that the film belongs to Deepika. The film is mounted on its female protagonist Deepika Padukone with the title being a testimony of the actress’ investment in the project. As for the remuneration, Deepika has taken home a whopping Rs. 13 crores, while Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor share equal digits that read close to Rs. 10 crores respectively.”
Deepika, who will be next seen playing the titular role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati, will be making history in Indian Cinema with her film. This turnaround of the pay scale in Padmavati sets a new precedent in Bollywood, owing to Deepika’s stardom and the importance of her role.
Padmavati is a periodic film that tells the story of Alauddin Khilji, the medieval-era Delhi ruler, who was infatuated with Rajput Queen Padmavati.
Quote– ANI
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