Deepika Padukone, who is currently busy shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Padmavati, has refused to work with Shah Rukh Khan. Yes, you heard that right! The actress was to share the screen space with SRK in Anand L Rai’s next, but unfortunately, Deepika has to let go of the film because of her other work commitments.
If rumours are to be believed, Deepika and Katrina Kaif were supposed to star opposite Shah Rukh in the film and Deepika was also super excited to be a part of the project. But the actress had to back out of the film last moment, all thanks to the controversy surrounding her upcoming film Padmavati.
It is being said that because of the attacks on Padmavati‘s sets in Jaipur and Kolhapur, the shooting dates of the film were rescheduled multiple times. And because of that, the dates of Padmavati were clashing with the ones allotted for Anand L Rai’s film. So, unfortunately, Deepika Padukone had to back out of the project.
Anand L Rai’s yet untitled film stars Shah Rukh Khan in the role of a dwarf and the filmmaker has already started looking for Deepika’s replacement in the film. The shooting of the film will start in a couple of months and will take just 6 months to complete the film.
A lot of post-production work is needed to bring SRK’s dwarf character to life, so the team will immediately start working on the VFX and CGI part as soon as the shooting gets over. This is for the first time that Shah Rukh will play a dwarf on-screen and we just can’t wait to watch him play this character.
Well, we know this is a really bad news for all the Deepika-SRK fans, but let’s hope we get to see the duo in some other film soon.
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