Deepika Padukone looked every bit of regal in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Padmavati‘s posters, released on the first day of Navratri. Her royal charm as the Rajputana Queen Rani Padmini, made everyone go crazy for her. In the poster, Deepika can be seen donning an embellished red lehenga-choli by designer duo Harpreet and Rimple Narula. Her look was completed with elaborate Rajasthani jewellery by Tanishq. Her jewellery in the poster– everything from her bangles, necklace, maangtika to nose ring– gave us the glimpse of the beauty of the Queen of Chittor. Just after a few days of poster launch, some pictures of Deepika have surfaced on the internet from an ad shoot, in which her look is inspired by her character in Padmavati.
Ahead of the film’s release, pictures of Deepika shooting for this ad have gone viral on social media. In the picture, she can be seen donning the looks similar in Padmavati. The Bollywood diva can be seen wearing royal jewellery and lehenga-choli. Deepika’s expressions in the pictures are filled with courage.
Not only this, what caught the attention of everyone was Deepika donning the unibrow look as soon as the poster was launched. Her unibrow look became the talk of the town.
Also read: Deepika Padukone in Padmavati, Anushka Shetty in Baahubali 2: ‘Royal’ makeovers that left us stunned
Check out the royal pictures of Deepika Padukone from the ad shoot here:
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Also read: Padmavati first look: Deepika Padukone’s desi gorgeousness impresses Twitter users, just like us
Check out Deepika’s look in Padmavati:
Padmavati is the story of Rani Padmini who defied Alauddin Khilji, the ruthless ruler of Delhi. Khilji was reportedly swayed by Padmini’s beauty and wanted her to be in his life. A woman of honour, Padmini refused Khilji’s offers after which his bruised ego led him to attack the latter’s state. Padmini’s husband Raja Rawal Ratan Singh fought the invaders bravely but it was the final stroke of Padmini which rewrote history. She along with many women in her state jumped into a burning pyre to save herself from Khilji. This tradition is popularly known as Jauhar.
Padmavati also features Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in lead roles. The film is scheduled to be released on December 1.
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