Twinkle Khanna has joined the list of celebrities who have condemned the violence in Punjab, Haryana and neighbouring states. The states witnessed a rampage after the chief of Dera Sacha Sauda Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was convicted of rape. The followers of the self-proclaimed Godman brought these Northern states to a standstill. While this is a failure of the administration, Twinkle Khanna rightfully pointed out what is wrong in the nation.
The Mrs Funnybones of Internet wrote, “Our fault Babas exist as we turn towards them like silly sunflowers looking for the sun, forgetting that a halo is just a trick of the light!” In these trying times, Twinkle Khanna has said what was needed most. The power which followers give to Godmen is truly alarming. Since these Godmen enjoy a blind fan following, political leaders too seek their help during elections. With ‘support’, these leaders are elected and later when followers violate law and order, the ones in the administration seem helpless. This is a vicious cycle which ceases to exist.
Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s punishment is yet to be announced, but the tension started even before it. The army has been deployed in tensed areas and the administration has promised strict actions will be taken against law breakers.
While a large part of the nation is fuming over what happened in Panchkula, check out what Bollywood celebs including Twinkle Khanna said:
Our fault Babas exist as we turn towards them like silly sunflowers looking for the sun,forgetting that a halo is just a trick of the light!
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) August 26, 2017
Frauds.Blind faith in con people.Government must punish these fraudsters.Sukhwinder Kaur(Radhema)Gurmeet,Asaram,Nityananda.All Criminals!
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) August 25, 2017
#RamRahimVerdict #Haryana
— Farhan Akhtar (@FarOutAkhtar) August 25, 2017
Also read: Gurmeet Ram Rahim and his ‘miracle stories’: What makes his followers go brainless?
2020 toh bahut door hai.. Bharat ka naksha abhi se badalne lag gaya hai.. welcome to New India
— Anurag Kashyap (@anuragkashyap72) August 25, 2017
Why should violent mobs still be called ‘followers’? What happened to ‘terrorists’? Or is that term reserved?
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) August 26, 2017
Scene outside every Godman’s house. Such a shame. #RamRahimConvicted
— Vikrant Massey (@masseysahib) August 26, 2017
Also read: Meet Honeypreet Insan, daughter of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh
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