Bareilly Ki Barfi has hit the silver screens and has taken a slow start at the Box-Office. The film has raked in Rs 2.42 crores on its opening day. Set in Bareilly, the chote shehar ki love story perfectly portrays how love blooms in gulleys, mohallas and under the constant gaze of neighbors. The film has received praises from all corners and has fared largely in North India’s BO.
The film, starring Kriti Sanon, Ayushmann Khurana and Rajkummar Rao is not just being loved by viewers but has also received acclaim from the Bollywood too. Helmed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, Bareilly Ki Barfi is the story of three people entangled in a fun-frolic love story. The chemistry between all the lead actors seems to be promising. Infused with peppy numbers and dialogues you can relate to, the film is yet another example of Bollywood’s love for small town stories.
Movie critic, Taran Adarsh took to Twitter and shared the first-day collection of Bareilly Ki Barfi at the Box Office. Here’s what he wrote:
#BareillyKiBarfi Fri ₹ 2.42 cr. India biz… Fared better in North India.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 19, 2017
Despite a small town feel, the movie hasn’t opened quite well at the mass centers and the reason for same is lack of face value as people in the interiors prefer to watch star-driven films.
This is the first time Ayushmann, Kriti and Rajkummar are sharing the screen space for a movie.
Also read: Bareilly Ki Barfi Celeb Review: B-town calls the movie warm and sweet with superb performances
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