Sonu Nigam has come out in support of fellow singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya after the latter’s Twitter account was suspended after his derogatory tweets addressing JNU student leader Shehla Rashid. The singer said he was upset with the way Twitter’s guidelines were double-standard and asked why was Rashid’s Twitter account not suspended. As soon as Sonu tweeted about quitting the website, netizens came up with their opinion on the matter. While few felt that the decision was sensible others brought in their sense of humour.
“One could disagree with Abhijeet Da’s language but isn’t Shehla’s accusation that BJP has a sex racket, provocation enough to supporters? If his account is deleted, why not her? And the other morons who hurl… abuses to every achiever?” Sonu Nigam asked on Twitter.
The Abhi Mujhme Kahin singer’s action has made way for a new controversy. Last month, his post about azaan playing on loudspeaker had sparked another outrage. Sonu Nigam had complained on Twitter that playing azaan on the loudspeaker was an example of forced religiousness. After this Sonu’s stand was debated on quite a large scale, with some agreeing and others not.
But this time around, Sonu has jumped into a controversy that was not even remotely related to him. Abhijeet had sparked an outrage when he made derogatory remarks against Shehla Rashid. He had made those remarks after in support of Paresh Rawal’s statements on Arundhati Roy. Rawal had tweeted that the writer should be tied to an army jeep in Kashmir. With Paresh Rawal’s tweet a new national debate has kicked in.
Here are the reactions that Sonu Nigam’s Twitter garnered:
Conscience-Kya-Hota-Hai channels wil run outrageous stories on how Nigam deleted his twitter account.Jharkhand aur Saharanpur kya hai?!
— Faridoon Shahryar (@iFaridoon) May 24, 2017
TL, DR: Sonu Nigam’s tweets summary: Chhanv hai kabhi.. Kabhi hai dhoop zindagi.. Har pal yahan jee bhar jiyo.. Jo hai sama.. Kal Ho Na Ho.
— Trendulkar (@Trendulkar) May 24, 2017
A lesson Sonu Nigam left us with in those 24 tweets is that caps lock & num lock can be used as seamlessly as low and high notes of a song.
— Nishant Kaushik (@nofreecopies) May 24, 2017
Also read: Sonu Nigam to quit Twitter in support of Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Paresh Rawal
Sonu Nigam shkd nt exit Twitter, anti national enemies can b defeated by being inside n fighting tough, not by leaving the action ground
— Dheeraj Dewan (@DewanDheeraj) May 24, 2017
Sonu nigam should JOIN BJP before coming on twitter again
— mehrab (@mehrabba1) May 24, 2017
Hope every ‘logical, sensible patriot and humanist’ like Sonu Nigam quits Twitter. Stress-free Twitter like the days of old, sigh.
— Pradeep Menon (@pradeep_smenon) May 24, 2017
sonu nigam like singer are have no futures in Bollywood.They are for another options
— mehrab (@mehrabba1) May 24, 2017
Why has Sonu Nigam become such garbage? I cannot listen to one song of his anymore without thinking of his dumbass tweets.
— (@RunTheWorldxx) May 24, 2017
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