Ranbir Kapoor’s look from the upcoming Sanjay Dutt biopic is in news from the very beginning. Recently, the actor’s new look was leaked online and it went viral in no time on the social media. While his fans are super excited and thrilled to see him in Sanju Baba’s avatar, Ranbir’s co-star Dia Mirza feels it should not have been leaked.
“You should not have seen that look. It was leaked by the media… I will admit it was upsetting that the look was out as we were saving the look to reveal much later. “We are enthused with the response from the public but we wish the media had respected the privacy of the film and not revealed the look,” Dia told reporters here.
In the Rajkumar Hirani-directed film, Dia plays the role of Maanayata, Dutt’s wife. “Shooting is going really well. I have just completed my work. It’s such a privilege and honour to be working with such wonderful set of people. Rajkumar Hirani had directed me in ‘Lage Raho Munnabhai’ and it was great to be working with him again,” she said.
“Right now we all are tight-lipped about the film but we can’t wait to reveal things.” Dia has teamed up for the first time with Ranbir Kapoor. “Ranbir is amazing and there are no two ways about it.” The film also stars Vicky Kaushal as Sanjay Dutt’s close friend, Manisha Koirala as Nargis Dutt and Paresh Rawal as Sunil Dutt.
Dia is also excited about upcoming International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards in New York in July. “I am looking forward to experience the love and appreciation that Priyanka Chopra has garnered. It will be interesting to see,” she adds.
Taking about the socially relevant films, which released last year, she said, “It was an interesting year as many socially relevant topics were explored… My top three favourite films were Neerja, Pink, Dangal. “There is an incredible body of work at display…it’s difficult to vote. I hope we continue to grow like this.
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