Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar’s documentary drama film Sachin: A Billion Dreams has collected Rs 27.85 crore in its opening weekend and is still going strong at the Box Office. Reportedly, Sachin has charged a whopping amount of Rs 35-40 crore as his fee to share his life events with the makers of the film. So now the question is, if Sachin really charged this amount for the film? A spokesperson from the project rubbished the rumours and clarified that the reports are baseless.
According to a leading daily, the spokesperson said: “The suggestion on Sachin Tendulkar’s fee for Sachin A Billion Dreams is incorrect and grossly overstated. Sachin has completely backed this project which has resulted in the creation of a commercially viable genre of docu-drama for the Indian film industry.”
Narrated by Sachin himself, the film takes viewers on an inspirational journey and tells how a Mumbai-based local boy went on to become the “God of Cricket”. It features various photographs and videos from Sachin’s past and includes interviews of his fellow cricketers and family members.
Also Read: Sachin-A Billion Dreams: 5 big questions that the Sachin Tendulkar biopic failed to answer [Opinion]
The film faces tough competition with previously released big entertainers like Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, and Hollywood film Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge. However, despite its unique genre, Sachin: A Billion Dreams has managed to make its presence felt at the box office. Sachin: A Billion Dreams creates history as docu-drama. Reportedly the film emerged as the biggest opener in the genre with a collection of Rs 8.40 crore in India including all languages. The film has also received well by the film fraternity people.
Directed by James Erskine, the film also stars Anjali Tendulkar, Ajit Tendulkar, Sara Tendulkar, Mayuresh Pem and Mayur More among others. The film released on Friday 26 May in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and English.
Also Read: Sachin: A Billion Dreams Box Office Collection Day 1: Sachin Tendulkar’s story finds many takers
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(Source- The Times of India)
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