Veteran actor Vinod Khanna passed away at the Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital. The actor was aged 70 and was admitted to the hospital a few days ago. It was reported that Vinod was suffering from extreme dehydration but a picture from the hospital made way for rumours that he was suffering from cancer. Now after this death, there are reports that the star was actually suffering from cancer.
The aforementioned picture showed a frail looking Vinod Khanna hugging his son and wife. His condition in the picture prompted many to believe that maybe he was sicker than what was told to media. The contradictory statements from people in his family to the reports that surfaced in media paint a different picture of Vinod Khanna’s death.
A few days after the star’s picture went viral the hospital authorities released a statement saying that his condition was improving. The medical bulletin has revealed that he was recovering and he would be discharged soon.
The statement of the hospital confirming the news read:
“Veteran actor and Member of Parliament Mr Vinod Khanna, who was admitted to the Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital breathed his last at 11.20 am due to advanced bladder carcinoma.”
Also read: B-Town celebs mourn the death of Hindi film legend Vinod Khanna
As soon as the news of demise appeared, people took to Twitter to remember the legend. What made Vinod a popular face for everyone was the fact that his stories connected with the masses. The way he fought with the evil and came triumphantly made viewers believe in the greater good. Apart from this, Vinod Khanna was also considered one of the most stylish personalities of his times.
Also read: Amitabh Bachchan and Vinod Khanna’s throwback picture will remind you of good ol’ days!
Vinod Khanna was also a member of the parliament for many years. He was the sitting MP from Gurdaspur and won the Lok Sabha elections by a huge margin. The star was celebrated in his constituency as well.
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