Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are two of the biggest Bollywood stars of their generation. The two are coming together for the first time for Ayan Mukerji’s directorial which will also feature Amitabh Bachchan. The movie has been described as “a magical romantic fairy tale set in contemporary times” by Ayan and is set to go on floors soon. While Ranbir and Alia fans are excited about the movie, only a few know that before signing their debut venture together, the two were approached for a film a decade ago.
As it turns out, ace director Sanjay Leela Bhansali wished to remake the 1976 film Balika Vadhu with Ranbir and Alia in the lead. The original film. which was directed by Tarun Majumdar and featured Sachin Pilagaonkar and Rajni Sharma in the lead, went on to become a hit. True to its title, the movie chronicled the story of a child bride and her innocence.
Ranbir Kapoor revealed that apparently, a remake of the film was on cards a few years ago. In an interview to a daily, Ranbir said:
Actually not many people know this but Alia and I had done a photo shoot together for Sanjay Leela Bhansali when I was 20 years old and she was about 12 or even younger; I don’t know exactly how old she was. Sanjay sir wanted to make his version of Balika Badhu with us so hamne ek full photo shoot kiya tha (we had done a complete photo shoot), so I am connected to her since then. She is a fine actor, very unassuming about her success and talent. Plus, she is very evolved, cool and chilled out, so I am looking forward to the film.
Wow! A photo shoot also happened. We really want to see the pictures now. Alia had worked as a child artist in Sarfarosh. If the film would have gone on floors, we would have loved to see her flaunt her acting skills as a child.
Speaking about working with Alia, Ranbir said:
I think I can create a distinct creative partnership with Alia. I hope our energies come together because the whole film depends a lot on our relationship. And as actors, we both have an opportunity, and I hope we can make the best use of it. I don’t think I could have asked for a better film to work in with her.
Also read: Alia Bhatt and 13 other celebrities whose weight loss is an inspiration for all
We are really excited for this film. Aren’t you?
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