A few days ago Bollywood woke up to a controversy when Harshvardhan Kapoor expressed displeasure on not winning the Filmfare award for the Best Debut actor. In an interview to a leading daily, Harshvardhan asked why was Diljit Dosanjh given that award for Udta Punjab, when he isn’t even a debutant as he has worked in many regional movies. Not only this, Harshvardhan also indulged in an ugly war of words with Filmfare’s officials after his statement.
But looks like Harshvardhan has ended this fight with his tweet. Taking to Twitter, Harshvardhan told Diljit that he was a fan of his work and didn’t mean to hurt him with his words. The younger Kapoor also tagged his father Anil Kapoor in the tweet.
Speaking about how he didn’t approve of Diljit’s win, Harshvardhan has said the award should have been given someone who faced the camera for the first time. He argued that if the Dosanjh was a newcomer, will a Filmfare be given to Leonardo DiCaprio in case he starred in a Bollywood film?
When the Udta Punjab star was told about these statements, he said he wasn’t hurt by them. Diljit went on to say he loved Harshvardhan Kapoor and his father Anil and had no hard feelings in his heart.
Also read: Filmfare row: Here’s why Harshvardhan’s criticism of Diljit’s win is a mere case of sour grapes
I am not hurt. I am not sad. I am thankful to Filmfare Awards for the honour that they gave me. I don’t think I was deserving enough. It’s a big award (and) I think they would have seen something in me and so they gave me the award
And looks like Diljit’s words made it through Harshvardhan’s hearts and he let go off bitterness. Here is what he tweeted:
Love you to sir, have lots of respect for you and your body of work sorry if I said anything that came out wrong @diljitdosanjh @AnilKapoor
— Harshvardhan Kapoor (@HarshKapoor_) January 25, 2017
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