Arundhati Roy, the Booker Prize-winning author, is in the midst of a controversy following an offensive tweet against her by actor-MP Paresh Rawal. The comment has sparked an outrage on social media, with even artistes from the Bollywood coming out in support of her. While the entire controversy is going on, we stumbled upon a fact we bet you did not know. It is her connection with Bollywood and most importantly, Shah Rukh Khan. She scripted the superstar’s first film.
Besides being an acclaimed author, Roy has also dabbled as a screenwriter. She wrote the screenplay for 1989 short film In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones. Directed by Pradip Kishen, the film starred Roy, Roshan Seth, Manoj Bajpayee, Rituraj Singh and Shah Rukh Khan. Yes, you will be shocked to know this. Khan had just joined television with popular serial Fauji in 1988 and got a break with this film. In Which Annie… was about a student named Anand Grover alias Annie (Arjun Raina) who used to dream about idealistic solutions to India’s problems. Shah Rukh essayed the role of a student named Senior.
The film was set against the backdrop of Emergency in an architectural college in New Delhi. Roy won the National Film Award for her screenplay. Shah Rukh was initially reluctant to join films, but changed his decision after his mother’s death in the early nineties. And the rest they say, is history. Meanwhile, you can check out the film here.
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