Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar who had recently expressed his desire to become a parent had reportedly become the father of twins— a girl and a boy through surrogacy.
According to several media reports, Karan Johar had the twin babies in the month of February at Masrani Hospital in Andheri. A report in Times of India claimed that the civic officials had confirmed that the birth of the children were registered with the public health department last week, However, the filmmaker has made no official announcement as yet.
The report further stated that the children were born on February 7 and the birth registration details mentions the name of Karan Johar as the father of the baby girl and the baby boy. However, there was no mention of the name of the mother.
During the launch of his autobiography, “An Unsuitable Boy”, Karan Johar had asserted that he would like to father children while adding that he could either adopt or use surrogacy.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do about it but I feel like I would like to be a parent. I don’t know how it’s going to happen but I do feel the need because I have plenty of love to offer and I’d like to take it forward. This feeling needs a release and requires a platform. And that platform could be by being a parent,” he said.
“I feel I have a nurturing quality in me. I saw that most when I launched Alia, Sidharth and Varun. I can’t let them go off even now. It has been nearly five years but I see myself staring at what they’re doing. Even for all those at ‘Dharma’. The emotion comes from a very strong paternal space.” he had told the media.
Last year, Bollywood actor, Tushar Kapoor also became a proud father of a beautiful baby boy using surrogacy. Bollywood’s King Khan and Karan Johar’s close friend, Shah Rukh Khan also had his baby boy Abram Khan through surrogacy.
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