Ever since the trailer of director Alankrita Shrivastava’s upcoming film Lipstick Under My Burkha has been released, the film got embroiled into controversy for one or other reasons. Distributor of the film Ekta Kapoor recently released the first look poster of the film, since then it was reported that the poster seems to use the lipstick as the middle finger. However, talking to an entertainment portal Ekta rubbished such reports and clarified that she has no idea from where the rumours came from.
During a recent interview, on being asked if the latest poster of Lipstick Under My Burkha is a message to the Censors? to that she said: “Not at all, it is a lipstick, I don’t know where the middle finger came from. I have no problem with the censor board, I think they are doing their job. They are under a lot of pressure. If there are any rights, any questions, they are answerable. Lipstick Under My Burkha is a film about a 50-year-old woman’s sexual urges. There are so many films where men are hanging with a young girl, looking at a young girl but that is somehow OK. But when a woman thinks the same way, then everyone is shocked”.
Further explaining her stand for taken up the distribution of Lipstick Under My Burkha, Ekta added: “I love that script. That is something I wanted to do. I was busy launching my app when the movie came to me. So I sat in my office theater with some of my staff members and the film made me clap. In fact, everyone sitting there loved it and said, ‘What a film!’. I asked them will it be big, they said maybe no, will it make money they said maybe no. Still, I loved it and I said, I will do the distribution”
After facing trouble by Pahlaj Nihalani headed CBFC, the makers finally received a certificate for release following Film Certification Appellate Tribunal’s directive this month. The film is now finally slated to hit the screens on July 21, 2017. Lipstick Under My Burkha features actors like Konkona Sensharma and Ratna Pathak Shah, and tells the story of four small town women in search of a little freedom.
It has been produced by filmmaker Prakash Jha.
Meanwhile, do check out the poster of the film shared by Ekta Kapoor on her Instagram here:
A post shared by Ekta Kapoor (@ektaravikapoor) on
(Source: spotboye.com)
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