Emraan Hashmi has too stepped into the ongoing nepotism debate. The actor said nepotism exists in the industry and added he got a break because of it. The nepotism controversy gained a lot of attention when Kangana Ranaut called Karan Johar the ‘flag bearer of nepotism’. Just when one thought the controversy would fall to it’s eventual death, the incident at IIFA awards, held in New York, added fuel to the fire. Saif Ali Khan, Karan Johar and Varun Dhawan, took a dig at Kangana and shouted ‘Nepotism rocks’.
After this incident, a lot said and written about because of which the celebrities gave out an apology. While everyone has their own say to this debate, Emraan Hashmi has said what many people did not. Speaking to a leading daily, Emraan said, “Yes, nepotism exists in our industry, and I got a break because of it. If my uncle [Mahesh Bhatt], who is a producer and director hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have been an actor.”
“My case was different. There was no dying need for me to become an actor or be a part of this industry. My college had got over, and I stepped into films,” added Emraan.
Giving the example of his son, Emraan Hashmi added that if he wanted to be an actor his path would be easy. “I wouldn’t push my seven-year-old son, Ayaan, now into Bollywood. But tomorrow, if he wants to become an actor, it will be a lot easier for him because his father is an actor and producer.”
Also read: The big nepotism debate: From Karan Johar to Ranbir Kapoor, who said what on the ongoing controversy
Well, it is really welcoming to see Emraan Hashmi talk so openly about nepotism and to also be accepting of the fact that he is a product of it as well. But he is not the only one to have spoken in support of nepotism. Ranbir Kapoor too accepted that his path became easier because he belonged to the Kapoor family. “It exists in the film industry, and I am a product of nepotism. I am here today because of my parents. My father got an opportunity because of his father. So, I believe if my children choose to be actors, I would like to give them a platform.”
In the times of sugar coating and political correctness, Emraan Hashmi’s response comes as a breath of fresh air.
(Source: Hindustan Times)
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