It seems that Esha Gupta has taken it upon herself to single-handedly raise the temperatures. The actress who has been posting stunning pictures on Instagram refuses to bugger down. This time, Esha did not cover her body with any kind of lingerie or fruits (contrary to when she used a pomegranate to hide). She just lay on the bed wearing lacy stocking and nothing more. The two new pictures which Esha Gupta posted on Instagram will blow your mind.
If the image was not enough, Esha captioned one of them with- “Why stop now” and the another with, “Life’s too short, laugh it out”. These two images only prove that stopping Esha is next to impossible now.
Though one thing stands out with the post of Esha’s recent photos. This time there is not only any hateful comments but no comments at all! The pictures, of course, have thousands of likes, but perhaps to avoid the onslaught of hate, Esha Gupta did away with the comments part. It is only understandable as the last time Esha Gupta posted such pictures and allowed people to comment, she got readily trolled. Her timeline was filled with hate comments with many trying to teach her lessons on values.
Also read: Esha Gupta showed the middle finger to haters by disabling comments on her nude Instagram posts
However, we wonder if Esha shows courage to shoot such bold pictures, shouldn’t she be courageous enough to handle both the hate and love? Here are the latest pictures of the actress:
And other pictures she posted:
Also read: Esha Gupta’s latest almost nude photo proves she doesn’t care about hate comments or trolls
Esha Gupta’s will be seen next in Baadshaaho, where she plays the role of Sanjana. She is a part of a gang which tries to protect the gold from the government. The movie is set against the backdrop of 1975 Emergency and it also features Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, Ilena D’Cruz, Vidyut Jammwal and Sanjay Mishra in pivotal roles. The movie is directed by Milan Luthria and is slated for a release on September 1.
Also read: Esha Gupta just posted nude photos on Instagram and the comments range from nasty to ridiculous
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